Minggu, 21 Maret 2010

Refill Toner Laserjet di Giant Computer Yogyakarta

Giant Computer Refill Toner
Tempat Refill Toner Laserjet Bergaransi
Bisa antar Jemput
Harga Lebih Murah (rata- rata Rp 90 000 / catridge)
Kwalitas Toner Terjamin
Isi dijamin Penuh

Hubungi Telepon kami;

0274- 7831122 (area yogyakarta)
0274- 7845522 (area Yogyakarta)

0274- 8311122 (area wonosari GK)

Anda ingin jual computer anda ?
Periperal Computer Hidup / Mati
Hanya di Giant Computer tempatnya
Jl Gondosuli No10 Baciro Yogyakarta
Jl KH Agus Salim No 152 Ledoksari Wonosari GK

Jumat, 05 Maret 2010


E9 The connected digital camera / video camera does not support CameraDirect Printing

E14 The Ink cartridges whose destination are wrong
E15 Ink cartridge is not installed E16 - Ink remaining is unknown
E16 -E19 Failed to scan head alignment sheet
E22 Carriage error
E23 Paper feed error
E24 Purge unit error
E25 ASF(cam) sensor error
E26 Internal temperature rise error
E27 Waste ink absorber full or platen waste ink absorber full
E28 Ink cartridge temperature rise error -
E29 EEPROM error
E33 Paper feed position error
E35 15 USB Host VBUD overcurrent error - USB
E37 17 Abnormal motor driver error
E40 20 Other hardware error
E42 22 Scanner error

Antara Tetes dan Infus

  • Antara Tetes dan Infus

Sistem Infus tinta printer sangat
popular belakangan ini. Banyak
orang tertarik untuk mencoba
sistim infus pada printernya karena
selain diharapkan bias menghemat
kocek, juga bisa rnenghindari
repotnya mengisi ulang catridge
s e n d i r i . Tetapi walaupun
keuntungan memakai system
infuse sudah jelas, pamakai dari
system infuse itu sendiri hams
memperhatikan hal-hal berikut
agar bisa mendapatkan hasil yang
Sistem Infus tidak cocok bagi
mereka yang melakukan aktifitas
mencetak sedikit. Tinta yang tidak
habis dalam waktu yang cepat (6
bulan) dalam tangki, bisa
menimbulkan masalah jika
k o t o r / b e r d e b u , berlumut
(berkeringat didalam tangki), dan
warna cetaknya bisa punar bila
kena cahaya UV (ultra violet)
terutama kalau botolnya 100%
Sistem Infus tidak cocok bagi mereka yang sering
memindah-mindahkan printernya, karena bisa
menyebabkan tinta tumpah dari botol dan banjir kedalam
Sistem Infus lebih praktis dipakai untuk printer Epson dan
Canon yang printheadnya lebih permanent dibandingkan
dengan printerlain dari HP dan Lexmark.
Sistem Infus yang tidak dilengkapi dengan chip generasi
terbaru'" (pada printer Epson) berpotensi menyebabkan
Waste-ink jadi full, memboroskan tinta dan menyebabkan
printer dapat error.
Sistem infuse yang baik, tidak akan maksimal gunanya kalau
tinta yang digunakan rendah kualitasnya. Mengapa ? sekali
kita menggunakan satu jenis tinta yang kompatibel,
kemudian satu ketika kita menggunakan tinta kompatibel
jenis lain maka memungkinkan tidak terjadinya perpaduan
atau berakibat cepat kering sehingga membuat printhead
mudah rusak. Jadi gunakan tinta kompatibel yang sejenis
saja pilih yang baik dan terjangkau dan jangan ganti ganti

Canon 40, 41, 50, 51, 52 Refill Instructions

Required Materials
1. Newspaper, paper towel, or other disposable surface that can get ink on it.
2. One 1.5” Needle and one 10cc Syringe per color position to be filled.
3. One pair of latex free gloves.
4. One MIS Yellow Tool.
5. Packaging or Scotch Tape.
6. Appropriate ink for color position to be filled.
Refilling Statement
The method for refilling cartridges that is outlined in this instruction set has been tested and found to work
without issue on OEM Canon 40, 41, 50, 51, 52 printer cartridges. While we have had no problems refilling
these cartridges please note that the ink level monitor in the printer will need to be disabled in order to continue
to print with refilled cartridge. Each cartridge ink counter will need to be disabled as it is reported empty, and the
message will not reappear for every refill there after. It is the user’s responsibility to monitor the actual ink levels
and refill the cartridge when necessary. This can be done by stopping the printer when it actually runs out of ink
(no ink is printed on the paper), or refilling before every large print job to ensure no interruption during the job.
Running this type of cartridge without ink may damage the cartridge requiring the user to purchase a new
cartridge for refilling.
The Troubleshooting section of your Canon manual discusses printer operation with refilled cartridges. Canon
advises that “Canon shall not be liable for any printer malfunction or damage caused by refilled ink tanks. If you
want to continue printing with the refilled ink tank installed, press and hold the RESUME/CANCEL button for at
least 5 seconds, and then release it. Using refilled ink tanks are memorized. * This operation will release the
function of detecting the remaining ink level.”
*Our iP1600 has been refilled 6 times with no stoppages.
*Installing a new OEM cartridge will reactivate the ink counter for use with the new cartridge.
Vent Hole
Refill Instructions Canon 40, 41, 50, 51, 52 Inkjet Cartridges
1. Remove label from top of cartridge
2. Using a yellow drill tool, open all of the vent holes that were previously covered by the cartridge label.
3. Tape over all holes except the one you are going to put ink into. Use scotch tape or black electrical tape.
4. Set the cartridge on news paper or paper towel so the print head is in contact with the paper.
5. Attach needle to syringe and load syringe with 6 cc of ink per color position for the 41, 51, 52 cartridges or
20 cc for the black 40 and 50 cartridges.
6. Insert needle into correct cartridge ink hole. Make sure needle reaches to bottom of cart.
7. SLOWLY inject the ink into the cartridge. Stop if the ink begins to well up from the fill hole.
8. Clean off top of cartridge, un-tape the next fill hole and tape over the one just filled. This is so you do not
get accidental color contamination.
9. Repeat steps 5, 6, 7, 8 until all colors have been injected.
10. Clean off the top of the cartridge. Place scotch tape over the top of the cartridge so it covers every hole.
11. Use a pin and put a small hole (vent hole) through the scotch tape for each hole on the top of the cartridge.
This is important, don’t skip this step. The cartridge must be vented to atmosphere or it will not work.
12. Reinstall in printer and run one or two cleaning cycles until the cartridge begins to print correctly.
K = Black C = Cyan M = Magenta Y = Yellow
LC = Light Cyan LM = Light Magenta PK = Photo Black
#40 = PG-40 #41 = CL-41 #50 = PG-50 #51 = CL-51 #52 = CL-52